IMV Today

The IMV is housed in Robert M. Bock Laboratories, a research building centrally located on the UW-Madison campus, and consists of seven faculty members—Paul Ahlquist, Paul Friesen, Marta Gaglia, Rob Kalejta, Robert Kirchdoerfer, Kinjal Majumder, and Nate Sherer. We conduct basic and translational virus research, we teach, mentor and train undergraduate, graduate and medical students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scientists, and we educate and inform academic, government, and community groups about the impact that viruses have on the health of humans, animals, insects, and plants.

IMV faculty serve as the instructors for the two dedicated virology courses on campus: MMI / Biochem 575 The Biology of Viruses, and Oncology / PL Path 640 General Virology – Multiplication of Viruses. The IMV also organizes and administers the longest continuously running seminar in the biological sciences on campus, Biochem 910: Molecular Virology Seminar.

The IMV is also the flagship collective for virus research on our campus, administering and leading the Madison Virology Program (MVP), a collection of more than 40 world-class researchers with virology as their united focus. Please visit the MVP and follow @MadisonVirology.

Nathan M. Sherer, Professor of Molecular Virology and Oncology, Chair