Resources Virology at UW–Madison Virology Laboratory Guidelines Madison Virology Program UW–Madison Carbone Cancer Center – Human Virology Program John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe Center for Research in Virology Wisc-e-sota Virology Organizations National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease National Cancer Institute National CMV Foundation Centers for Disease Control and Prevention International Herpesvirus Workshop Gordon Research Conference – Viruses and Cells American Society for Virology American Society for Microbiology International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses Virology Journals bioRxiv The Journal of Virology PloS Pathogens mBio Nature Portfolio – Virology Annual Review of Virology Cell Host & Microbe Virology Blogs Virology Blog – Vincent Racaniello This Week In Virology This Week In Immunology This Week In Evolution Microbe TV The Scientist – Virology ViralZone